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Bras » Panache » Jasmine Balconnet Bra (6951) » 36J 36:13

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage91.7
B. perimeter44.0
Stretched Band95.1
Band Length78.0
Cup width19.6
Cup depth37.8
Wire length39.9
Cup height26.4
Cup separation1.8
Gore height11.4
Wing height13.0
Strap width2.0

5 measurements - 13 bras

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  1. 4

    Used to fit

    UPDATE 2: I think I have FINALLY made friends with this bra. I tightened the straps about 1/2-1 inch past what I thought was a good fit and it doesn't slip down as much. I may try tightening a bit more, but I think that is going to make the wires poke under the arms. At the level it is now, I can feel the wires, but they are not painful. I think I'm walking a fine line with this one and I think if I shorten the straps the poking will become bothersome. Hopefully I can find the "sweet spot". ...

    I will say I still think the center gore is VERY high on this bra. That's because I'm used to more of a plunge style, I think. Much of my wardrobe is knit v-neck shirts, so the seams show through, the darkness of the bra shows through lighter colors, and with the center gore so high, I'm feeling it's rather visible. I can't see it in the mirror, but can when I look down. Maybe no one else can see it?

    I am going to try sewing a bra liner for myself because now with the elastic on the front sewn up, the wires themselves are digging in. They are not very padded and I think sewing up the elastic has stretched the casing, making it provide even less cushion.

    UPDATE: I thought I should update my review on this bra because my views have changed, as noted in the numerous comments below. This bra has taken a back seat to my too big band/too small cup bras I had been wearing because of comfort and ill fit. I have worked with it to try and make it wearable, but it just isn't fitting well. The elastic rolls under in front, cutting in. I have rolled it out and sewed it up so it does not roll under and cause pain anymore.

    The major problem is that the bra slides down after and hour or 2 of wear, making my breasts droop, causing quad boob, the wide-set straps to cut in on the front of the arms, and major jiggle with each step since there's basically minimal support in that slipped-down position. I've added "after" pictures, where you can see the major difference when it slips down. I cannot be sure if it's a cup or band problem. The band could be too tight, although it's pretty comfortable after washing and wearing a few times. I have long, heavy breasts, so it could just be the leverage that heavy breasts sticking out that far in a bra is too much for the bra to hold up.

    This bra, for me, starts out great and ends up MEH in a couple of hours. :-/

    ORIGINAL POST: I've seen several rave reviews about this bra and finally got mine, in a 36J. I have to say, this bra is some kind of wonderful. If it came in 20 colors, I'd probably get them all. Sadly, as of now, there is only ONE color - a black bird print." alt=":-(" /> It's very pretty, but I doubt it would be acceptable under a white shirt at church.

    While the bottom of the cups aren't quite full enough for me (still have some wrinkling and push-down of the wires under the cups from orange in a glass syndrome), I think it's just about as close to a perfect fit as I may ever come. Band is quite stiff, but it is still very new. It does seem to create less prominent back rolls than most bras because the mesh is stiffer and the elastic along the bottom and top edges of the band are thicker.

    When I first put it on and looked down, I thought... wow, that's some forward projection right there. Think dual rocket boosters." alt=":-D" /> Seriously, there's like a parallel line between the cups actually LIFTING, POINTING FORWARD and SEPARATING my breasts instead of just splaying them east and west like most bras seem to do.

    Also, the stretch lace on the top of the cups is very forgiving. I think it makes the cups more adjustable than most bras with nonstretchy material along the top edge. I've seen it referred to as a half cup with a stretch lace "guard" to keep soft breasts from falling out when you bend over. I agree with this description. I bent over as if to pick some things up from the floor, reached down with both arms a few times, and stood back up. Still completely contained. I can't say that about many bras.

    I do have one complaint. The straps are too wide set. Because they are attached on the side of the cup instead of the front, they twist and the edge of the strap digs in and rubs a bit on the front of my arms and shoulders. However, I think attaching far at the sides is what gives you the forward projection instead of simply smashing the cup and breast tissue against you. I'm not sure how you could do that and not have the strap turn that direction. Most bras with "side support" seem to do this, but this one more so and perhaps the straps are set a little far back. I'm thinking straps placed 1/4 inch forward on the cup would alleviate the rubbing for me.

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    Updated on Jan 17, 2013 Flag this

    • Show all comments (17)
    • I like this one on you a lot. I'm so happy you got a bra that works :) Here's an alteration you can do to move the strap position :)

    • 2

      Thank you! I might try that alteration, but I'm worried it would change the fit of the bra. As difficult as it was to find ONE, I'd hate to ruin it. :-) I am going to wash and wear it a few times and see if it improves. If not, I might try moving it forward just a smidgeon.

    • mtblankus I just thought I'd let you know, I've been playing around with strap positioning on my Jasmine, and you are definitely correct. Moving the strap in as much as I would want to (to the inside of the little tab where the strap is attached) definitely messes up the side support, etc. I guess this is basically what the point of a balconet-style strap attachment is. I've always seen people say that the point is to push the breasts towards the front, but I never really understood until I tried this experiment.

      I haven't detached the original straps, just sewed on a different one in that position, and tried it with the original strap off, and it make the side sort of bulge out and just generally not be the shape it's supposed to be. I'm curious if, like you said, it could be moved just a little bit and it wouldn't have this problem, going to try that next, I think.
      Barring that (or even if that does work ok) I think I will pad/line that area with some smooth fabric, since I think part of the problem is the fabric is so stiff and firm it makes the digging in extra uncomfortable.

    • Raspberryleaf, thank you for letting me know about the strap positioning you've tried. Were you about to try moving it just a little? I've also noticed the bottom elastic on the front rolls under, creating a ridge under the underwire, which isn't comfortable AT ALL. I don't think this is because the band is tight (which it is at this point) because that's not where any stretching goes on because of the rigid underwires. I think it's just a flaw in the design, as I've seen someone else mention it.

      Since this is the best fitting bra I've found to date (although it still seems to tip forward in the cups due to "orange in a glass"), I'm not about to abandon it.

      I was wondering, though, if having the band wider so the TOP of the wires were supported by the back band would keep it from tipping forward/down as much. I've got large, heavy, and seemingly LONG breasts. When you have that kind of leverage at the apex of a cup, there's only so much an underwire and 3-hook band can do to keep them lifted. That's my theory, anyway. I've always felt a bra that did not dip down in the back, but had a wider band going straight back from the wings would be more supportive, though I've never found one to try.

    • Yes, I want to play with moving it just a little, but I haven't done so yet.
      This is definitely a bra that takes some breaking in, so some of the issues get at least a little better once it's been worn and washed a few times, and I think I've seen someone say this applies to the band rolling as well. (I wear bra liners all the time, so I don't really pay attention to elastic rolling in the front, but I definitely know it can be annoying, just one more reason I <3 my bra liners.)

      As for a wider band supporting the top of the wires providing better stability, this is EXACTLY what I've been thinking about/realizing recently. It took trying my recent EM bras and really looking at what's going on to figure this out (see my adventure I posted recently), but I totally agree. I definitely hate how hard 4-hook and 5-hook bands are to close, but I think I'm gonna force myself to get used to it because I really think they will be able to support and lift my boobs much better. (I will need to be altering bands anyhow (due to needing the bigger cups of a 36/38K, rather than 32/34K, for example), so I can alter them to having more hooks in the process.)

      BTW, your boobs sound a *lot* like mine, shape-wise.

    • Yes I think the two of you look rather similar as well :)

    • I know that feeling when you *finally* list a fitting bra on bratabase :) I could't be more happy for you mtblankus, and let me just say this looks positively amazing on you <3
      I also want this in white and basic nude!!! There is a new colorway coming out soon but it's also dark :(

    • So, here's probably a dumb question, but are the wires actually supposed to TOUCH the sternum? Because even on the Jasmine 36J, they are about an inch away. I thought they touched the first time I wore it, but now that I look closely at the pictures I took, they were still about an inch away. Jiggling, pushing, bending (well, as much as you can bend these super-wires - what are they made of????) doesn't bring them closer.

      I posted a fit request on this bra again yesterday because it seems to fit worse the more I wear it. :-/ I was wondering if I should try a band size or cup size up. Band is quite tight. Maybe just an extender, which was suggested as well. After wearing for a few hours, cups slip down and I end up with empty cup at the bottom and quad boob at the top - even with the stretchy lace. Also, the elastic band rolls under in the front, turning my "miracle bra" into a torture device.

    • 1

      I just wanted to post a little update on the strap position thing. What I wound up doing is compromising, and adjusting the angle by taking in the inside part of the "tab" that the straps are attached to, so this basically tilts the straps slightly more inward. (I just took a tuck and sewed it down. Totally reversible if I need to, so it was less scary to try!) This helps some. Not as much as I might like, but I think it's a good compromise between getting the straps out of my armpits a little, but still having the angle necessary to do the side support/balcony effect.

    • Great idea, you should do an adventure about it!

    • Thanks, raspberryleaf. I've actually been able to handle the straps as they've softened. As an added "bonus," it reminds me to keep my shoulders back. Ha! But, if it starts cutting in again, I'll definitely try the tuck. Seems like it would work fine on this bra without making the top edge too tight because that lace is quite stretchy. Another bra might not fair so well. I'm quite impressed with the Jasmine, as it's been the only decent fit I've had so far. However... we have sort of a love/hate relationship. I want a bra to be perfect and I don't know that I'll ever find one that is. I do have some EW bras on their way (got the ship notice yesterday). Can't WAIT to try them. :-D

    • 2

      This bra is too small for you in the cup by probably two sizes, which is why it is slipping down and you get a downward pointing apex. The cup shape may also simply be too shallow for you in the lower panel; it has an angled lower rather than a projected one, so your breasts are forced to either compress or shift upwards where there is more room leaving empty space at the bottom.

      Underwires should sit flat against your ribcage at all points, including at the gore. If they don't, and your band feels snug, then your cups are far too small.

      I realize this is a somewhat stale thread, but it's worth answering these questions for anyone else who comes along to read your review.

    • Thank you, uptight for the comment. I don't know if it's actually too small or just the wrong style. But I think you're right about one or the other. It certainly does seem to fight my breast shape at the bottom. Since finding my size in Ewa Michalak bras, no other bras have seen the light of day. I should list it and give it a new chance at life with someone else!

    • 1


      Can you define this statement further: angled lower rather than a projected one, so your breasts are forced to either compress or shift upwards where there is more room leaving empty space at the bottom.

      I am struggling to understand the visual, but think you might have touched on why some of my bras fit better than others.

    • 2

      If you look at a bra in profile/from the side and compare the angle of Yeh bottom of the cup to the chest wall, some bras come up at an acute angle (shallow lower cup) whereas other bras come straight out parallel to the ground at a right angle to the chest wall before curving up (projected lower cup).

      Breasts which are full at the bottom of the breast root will not have the gradual increase in breast tissue that shallow lower panels expect as you get higher above the underbust towards the nipple. Instead, these breasts go drastically from no breast tissue at the underbust, to projecting fullness. The breasts thus take the path of least resistance and shimmy up higher in the bra little bits at a time where there is more space. The weight at a further out point combined with the lower cup being empty causes the cup to wrinkle or buckle near the underwires if it is unmolded, or simply be forced to slide down in structured cups.

    • mtblankus : You stated in a prior comment that "even on the Jasmine 36J, [the underwires] are about an inch away". I own this bra and its design causes the gore to tack firmly if the fit is close - painfully firmly. In general, a bra will not tack at the gore (touch your sternum with its underwires) if it is too shallow for your breasts. Because the Jasmine is actually quite a deep bra proportionally, it is not that the cup shape is too shallow for you in terms of shape but rather because the cup size is too small such that the bra is too small all over, including in terms of depth.

    • The cup depth is 15.1 inches and my Ewa bras are around 14.0 to 14.2 - a full inch difference, yet they are big enough. I think the problem comes with the width of the wires on the Jasmine. They are much wider and my breasts do not fill the part of the cup under my arm. So, you may be right - the extra inch and then some is not used for breast tissue because it's under my arm, "where no breast has gone before." And hopefully it won't! With all of the ill-fitting bras I've worn in my life, there is still a definite breast crease on the sides in FRONT of my arms. I have yet to find a bra that the wire actually sits at this side crease. They are ALL too far back by a good inch or more. In the Jasmine, it's MUCH more than an inch. We're talking 2 or even 3 inches. So, that wasted cup space may make the cup fit too small. Maybe I'll look for a cheap Jasmine in a larger cup size just to test the theory, but really there are other detractors on this bra, such as the super high gore, that make me just want to toss it aside.

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  2. 1

    Didn't fit

    I've had this bra for a long time now, I bought it in a 36 because the other Jasmine's I've tried ran really tight in the band, but this one is too big in the band.

    From the moment I got it it was very uncomfortable. the underwires are really digging in, I've got permanent hyperpigmentation from being stabbed by the gore (still, years later) and I kinda hate this bra. Sure it's pretty projected but it's quite tall for me so I don't benefit that great from the projection overall, because it's not where I personally need it.

    I have short , narrow roots, very projected with need ... of immediate projection, even shape (but because of my short roots I think I am functionally more FoB). It's not the worst for my shape but because it's so uncomfortable it's a no thanks for me. Dunno why I kept it ( in the past I was lazy returning bras so I ended up with a lot of poor fit bras, sigh)

    Gives an east west look aswell as a bit bullet shape from the side under clothes.

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    This bra is not owned any more

    Updated on Dec 12, 2020 Flag this

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  3. 1


    OK. This cut really does work for me! It pulls me in at the sides, so I don't look as "wide" up top when I put on my shirts. My only issue with this bra is how far apart the straps are. I didn't have this problem with the Sculptresse Chi Chi (which I've been advised us based on this bra). It's also not as soft as the Chi Chi. Other than that, this bra is great for me and I'm a happy customer! Can anyone suggest similar styles in other brands (like Freya) so I can keep an eye out and build my bra collection?

    Updated on Aug 09, 2016 Flag this

    • 1

      I feel like Sculptresse by Panache is the most luxurious, comfortable, and well-designed of the Panache family except for perhaps Sport. Glad it worked for you!

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  4. 0

    Used to fit

    Love, love, love! This is the only bra I have that fits well, is relatively comfy and looks awesome. I’m wide set with a lot of breast tissue under my arms and this bra contains everything and is super supportive. Honestly, I feel like I could do jumping jacks in this thing without pain or jiggling. As others have mentioned, the forward projection can be a little much for some people. I love it, but if you want a more natural look, this probably isn’t the best idea. It puts the girls up high, front and center. The stretch lace top ... of the bra is a godsend for me because I have softer breasts and it prevents quadboob no matter what position I’m in. This is unlike Panache’s Clara, which is crazy gorgeous but cut lower in the center and doesn’t have enough lace to keep things in check - I keep falling out of it or noticing serious quadboob. The seam separating the top and bottom of the cups is annoying in its visibility. I don’t really have a desire to call more attention to my boobs, especially considering the amount of front projection this bra provides, but it’s so supportive and gives such a great shape that I’m willing to overlook it. The only other complaint I have is the gore. It’s high, and when I first got it the top of gore dug in terribly. Luckily that pain completely disappeared after a wear or two, even though the rest of the bra hasn’t noticeably stretched out.
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    Updated on May 12, 2018 Flag this

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  5. -

    Didn't fit

    Didn't write a review

    Added on Apr 24, 2016

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    Didn't fit

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    pink/black colorway

    Added on Oct 30, 2015

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    Didn't write a review

    Added on Oct 09, 2015

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    Hasn't set fit

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    Added on Apr 20, 2018

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    Hasn't set fit

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    Added on Mar 09, 2015

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    Didn't fit

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    Caramel colorway

    Added on Mar 15, 2021

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