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Nov 04, 2013 » All bra adventures


Nov 04, 2013

I hesitated to put my size (well what I think my size is at the moment... we'll see as my journey goes on) out there to anyone but my husband. I'm thankful for the ladies here and one lady in particular for helping me out so much with my journey.

Unfortunately the amount of judgment people give over size is already apparent, only 2 days after putting my size up. I've been accused of reverse letterphobia already, as well as just flat out wearing the wrong size because "I want to"... what? Who would wear a size that wasn't comfortable or fit incorrectly because they WANT to? Has anyone paused to think that might be someone's best option so far... and that they're still searching? But so what if someone wants to wear a bra that doesn't fit because that's what they want to do?! If they're complaining of being uncomfortable then that's one thing, but if they are comfortable and want to, then who am I to be angry at them? *le sigh*

It's fantastic how snarky women can be to each other. And it's usually jealousy. And that's what the last two were, I'm nearly sure of it. What they have to be jealous of, I have no idea. I love my boobs, really I do, but they're hard to fit and I was warned they were gonna be hard to fit. These two ladies are a much larger band size than me, and should have a (somewhat) easier time finding bras.

Now as to my earlier post about the wide bands, I hope that didn't offend anyone and my apologies if it did. We're all different and there's beauty in all body types and I'm so thankful that someone pointed out to me that those bras really do work for her! That's great, I'm glad to hear it.

Some days I get really sick of the backlash. It's why I haven't posted far from my safe havens of boobs until recently, and may not again for a long time. I had thought about bra blogging but my "boob skin" isn't thick enough for that yet, since that invites comments and the comments I received today I did not invite.
And everyone wonders why I wear dark shirts every day. I love my boobs, I expected comments and negativity, but I would have hoped other women would be less unkind.

So thank you, Bratabase, for being helpful and polite and to those of you who have helped me so much already. And to the rest of them... well good day to them! LOL.

Filed under Bra sizing and fit

Shared on Nov 04, 2013 Flag this


  • I went to a bra boutique today and I felt the same things you felt with those people you countered. It was really demeaning. Needless to say, I will never go back there ever again.

  • sundress95 That's awful, I'm so sorry you experienced that. It's totally ridiculous and uncalled for!!!!

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