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Need help for a friend?

My friend has a great difference between her breasts and the only thing she has available is those air pockets that she puts into the smaller cup. Is there foam/pads that she can use instead? That are thick enough where she doesn't need multiple?

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Oct 27, 2013 Flag this

  • I'm not sure how big she actually needs but you can buy foam padding and chicken fillet type inserts for bras. If you go onto ebay and type in bra padding or something like that I'm sure you'd find some.

    You can also buy prosthesis. They are most commonly used by women who have had a breast removed due to cancer. They come in all different sizes to custom fit. These are a lot more expensive but might be a good investment if she has quite a big difference between the two.
    Here is an example of what I mean:

    Also making sure she tightens the strap of the smaller breast will help some.

    Hope this helps :)

  • A lot of women make rice sizers before their augmentation. They put rice into a knee high pantyhose. There is a conversion that to change the cup volume to cc's. From their she could order an implant sizer or prosthetic.

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