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To Enter SIAB Or Not To Enter? » All bra adventures


To Enter SIAB Or Not To Enter?

That truly is the question that I am dealing with and there are only four more days to enter. There are cons and there are pros and I'm not sure which outweigh which.

-It'll be a step towards modelling which I could see myself doing
-It helps NA women and the women I know to see bra sizes done the right way
-It'll help promote CK once again to NA
-I could possibly go to NYC if I get into the top 5
-And if I were to win, there's a modelling contract along with a year's worth of lingerie.
-It would be a great confidence boost to get into the top 20

-I hate that they discriminate against women who have had surgery of any kind and I don't want to be seen as though I am okay with that.
-I have fibromyalgia so any physical/mental stress takes a huge freaking toll on my body
-If I don't enter, I might regret not doing so
-I'm self conscious about my acne scars and while I know I'm beautiful, my scars are abundant.
-I'm 30K and so already at the top of their range and don't do well in most of their shapes to begin with
-I don't have any properly fitting lingerie at the moment, let alone a semi matching set

I'm sure I have more pros/cons but can't think of any at the moment. I'm so very torn and I've gone back and forth about entering, but still can't make up my mind. Any help/tips/advise ladies?

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Sep 26, 2013 Flag this


  • I will not enter because of the surgery discrimination, I can't get behind that at all. But I think it would be a lot of fun to enter, if you feel like you can and want to, submit photos. You can always drop out if you don't want to participate anymore but you can't enter later on if you don't enter and change your mind.

  • I think you should enter. You can always pull out later if you change your mind :)

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