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Bra fitting help » Why are the push up pads improving the fit?

Ewa Michalak » S Grace (458) » 70K 32:15

Issue resolved

Thanks so much for all the suggestions. I think that the primary factor is that the push-up pads actually create enough structure in the bra to hold the cups up, creating a little more room and support. I'd definitely favour getting more bras with pads in the future.

The fit certainly isn't right, but I'm happy enough with it considering my fit issues and the limited availability of suitable bras.

Original problem

I'm hoping that someone can use their analytical mind and help me out with this one.

What I'm really interested in is that for some reason, even though the pushup pads should be making the bra smaller, somehow, the quadboob and spillage is lessened with them in. I've marked which pictures are which for comparison. Does anyone have any idea why this is the case? I'm a bit puzzled.

Also, do people think this is the best cup size that I'll get in EM? I've certainly tried a lot of cup sizes in the last few months, and I'm wondering if this is as good as it gets as far as the balance between height and depth goes. For those who don't already know, I have very short, projected breasts (sizemm app suggests 28M/MM), meaning that getting a textbook fit in a bra is basically impossible.

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