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Bra fitting help » Cup seems too big and too small

Cleo » Melissa (6991) » 30F 30:7

Issue resolved

The straps were too tight, but the bra still doesn't fit.

Original problem

Can I get some opinions on what is happening here?? I've wanted this bra for forever, but it's not fitting at all :( It feels tight on the bottoms of my boobs, like I'm pushing against the fabric. This causes the wrinkles, I think. Maybe I'm too projected or FOB for this? But then the lace is very gape-y.

Bratabase recommends this for me in 30E and 30F, but I don't think a 30E would be better. I have a 30F pink Marcie and a 30E Lily that I think fit well! I thought the Melissa was similar to one of those models..

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