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All listings » 30JJ - Panache » Jasmine (6951)

Panache Jasmine Balconnet Bra (6951)

Sale USD $12.00

[Used] Will calculate shipping based on location.

Well used and altered, hence the price. Straps have been shortened and armholes widened. Back has been taken in, but can be let back out.

I prefer to use PayPal for payment and will send an invoice once you've decided to buy. :) Thanks!

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band0.0
Band Length68.6
Cup width19.1
Cup depth35.6
Wire length35.6
Cup height0.0
Cup separation1.9
Gore height10.8
Wing height12.7
Strap width1.5

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Owner's review

Okay, after wearing it a bunch, I am finally ready to review this bra. Overall, it is lovely. I have had really bad luck with Panache bras in the past, but enough people here told me to try it that I decided to go for it, and I'm glad I did. Here are my pros and cons:


- The lace at the top is flexible enough to not cut into my full-on-top (and everywhere else) boobs, but firm enough that I don't push it out above the patterned part of the bra, and there is enough space at the bottom of the cup that once I ... jiggle around a bit, I get little to no wrinkling.

- The material is thin and breathable and the seams subtle enough that I am happy to wear it under T-shirts.

- The band is a good width, although I would always like even wider (why aren't there longlines in my size??).

- The gore sits flat on my sternum, very snugly.

- The shape is nice and round, and almost right on the front of my chest. Boobs appear natural-ish but not saggy at all.

- The straps aren't too short, which is rare on me, as I have stupidly small shoulders. I like that the entire length of the band is adjustable.

- I haven't had it THAT long, but so far it seems the quality level is high.


- This is a personal thing, but the wires are too wide for me. My boobs start right at the edge of the front of my chest, so I prefer very narrow wires. These go around quite far onto my sides, and after a while they begin to dig a lot. I am unfortunately not able to figure out how to do BrasIHate's wire bending system, and I'm not sure it would work on something this far from ideal, so... Eh.

- I'm really closer to a 28 band, so I can't really complain that the band is too large with any degree of certainty, but I do feel like it's on the stretchy side. I will be having it taken in.

- The gore is wider than is my preference, but of course YMMV.

All in all I would say it is a very nice everyday bra, especially if, like me, you have to wear a lot of black (for work, in my case) and want comfort and a good but unobtrusive look for your boobs.

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Updated on Jan 17, 2013 Flag this

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