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Bras » Asos Fuller Bust » Caggie Fishnet & Lace Triangle Bra (1049285) » 30G 30:9

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band85.5
Band Length66.4
Cup width17.7
Cup depth22.0
Cup height20.0
Cup separation1.0
Gore height3.0
Wing height3.0
Strap width1.2

1 measurement - 1 bra

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    Didn't fit

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    • 1

      Love your alteration!!

    • 2

      That photoshopped model pic is something else! You'd think people would be upset when they buy it expecting to look like that and then return it when they don't.

      Sorry about the creeper. Yuck!

    • 1

      Excellent review. Thanks!

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      Love4Pollinators , learningaboutbras Thank you both :)

      finallygotboobs Well, I was a bit shocked when I got this bra. I thought it's a padded plunge, because I hadn't paid much attention to the description. But I wasn't disappointed at all, I was like "wooooooooow, bralette in bra sizes, woohoo" :D

    • 3

      finallygotboobs I think alot of people are disappointed when their boob don't look like the photoshoped pic but blame their boobs for not being the right shape rather then unrealistic photos. That was my thoughts when I first tried VS bras.

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      violetknight I'm old and fat so I know I'm not going to look like any model, but it hurts my heart that beautiful young women are comparing themselves to such unrealistic images and finding fault with themselves.

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      You are a beautiful person with a beautiful heart, so please never refer to yourself as old or fat! It's simply not true!
      I agree with the rest of your comment about our views of body image and expectations.
      It's the barbie syndrome, amplified by media and marketing, and it is heart breaking. We are all beautiful in our own way-unique and differently perfect. Life (and visual stimulation) would be bland if we weren't different. One man's ( or woman's) opinion of beauty is thankfully different from another's. This is what we should teach our children-not to succumb to media delusions.

    • 2

      MamaPagan thanks for saying I have a beautiful heart, that means more to me than you could know.

      I realize the terms "old" and "fat" carry perjorative connotations. I disagree with that. I wouldn't go around telling other people they're old or fat but when I describe myself that way it's an attempt to take those terms back to neutral.

      I am actually old (62, so one of the older users here) and at 5'3" and at least 55 lbs. overweight actually fat. That's just telling it like it is. I feel good about my looks for where I am in life.

      Just for giggles I did a gis on "old fat model". As you might expect, lots of young models who are called fat but aren't, a few young models who are actually plus size (not a 6' US size 12 that so many companies call plus size) and a few slender older models. Even a gis of "older plus size model" didn't show me anyone close to my age who was actually plus size.

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      finallygotboobs I was writing the comment with almost the same things that you wrote when my computer shut down. I think that there's nothing wrong in saying we're old or fat, because there's nothing wrong in being old or fat. It's okay as long as we are the person who says it and it's neutral. So, I couldn't agree with you more that we need to say it loud to make it something normal, not an insult.

      MamaPagan I totally agree with what you wrote about uniqueness. I'm a bit plump in the bottom part of my body which is unacceptable in the world of the promotional photos like the one in my blog post, but I wouldn't like to have skinny legs like all the models have (or they seem to have in these pictures). The beauty understood as having the model look is overrated :D

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