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Bra » Ewa Michalak » Sm Malinowy (840) » 75H » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band88.0
Band Length72.0
Stretch ratio1.2
Cup width16.0
Cup depth31.0
Depth ratio1.9
Wire length32.0
Cup height22.0
Cup separation1.5
Gore height9.5
Wing height13.0
Strap width1.8
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When I received this bra, I was surprised that it did not have stretchy lace on top. I got it second hand and it was listed as BM hot pink. Then I started to check the pics with pink Ewa Michalak bras and found out that the bows actually match the SM Malinowy! So this bra was SM in desguise. Since it fits me so well I am okay with that.
My UK size is 34G and Ewa Michalak Calculator size is 75GG but I don't think I should size down and 75H is probably my best size in EM.

The band is a good lenght (but I assume since it's an used bra it has stretched out a bit) and I would not need a smaller or bigger size. The cups fit well. I was worried they would be too narrow for my wider roots but I manage to get all side tissue in. The cups are tall enough to gather my upper tissue nicely. The cup depth is spot on and there is no wrinkling on my bigger boob. The gore tacks nicely but does not hurt me. I prefer a lower gore these days because I have close set tissue but I have no issue with this gore because it's so narrow. I compared it to Fantasie Illusion gore (one of my go-to bras in the past) and it's like half it's width! I love the narrow gore on polish bras. Also the shape I get in this bra is so pretty, it's round and front and center. It's a very slimming silhouette from the front.

The materials are soft, lace is not itchy (very important because I have sensitive skin) and the band is firm and smoothing on the back. Also the bra is just so pretty! It's the perfect pink bra I dreamed of all these years and finally I got it! I am still shocked the bra fits me so well! The first Ewa Michalak bra that works for me. It's so good, I finally understand what the hype is about. I wore it a few times already and I never noticed my bra in a negative way during the day. I mean I knew I wear a bra, but nothing ever annoyed me, and when I removed it in the evening I thought wow this Ewa bra feels just like a bra should feel, do it's job but like it's barely there.

Updated on Dec 02, 2023 Flag this

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  • 3

    I’m so happy for you!!! CONGRATS!!!!

  • 1

    congrats on the bra win!!

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