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Bra » Ewa Michalak » Custom Sf Saint-tropez » 70G » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band78.7
Band Length58.4
Stretch ratio1.3
Bust perimeter96.5
Cup width13.7
Cup depth28.2
Depth ratio2.1
Wire length27.9
Cup height21.6
Cup separation1.5
Gore height7.9
Wing height9.9
Strap width1.8
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Didn't fit

So I actually got this custom bikini last year, I think late summer? And I only just recently had occasion to wear it. I desperately needed a bikini top to wear on my Florida vacation. (2 weeks of glorious warm weather and Disney World! And... in-laws too, but I mean... overall it was fabulous! A nice getaway from the crappy winter of Michigan.) Every bikini I tried just did NOT work. I actually own the regular, S style version of this bikini, but I don't like the feeling of it; it's not full enough, I feel, and seems as if my boobs would just spill right out the top. I'm more comfortable in the BM/SF styles Ewa Michalak offers.
Anyways, I thought I could wait until that spectacular Sherbet bikini comes out, but alas, it is still not available! So after I asked Kaska about the availability of it, I decided to bite the (expensive) bullet and get a custom SF version of this bikini.
Overall, it fits well enough for me to keep it as my bikini. Since the tops of the cups don't have stretch lace, I get some gaping, and the straps are a tad too wideset to be really comfortable for me. With my BM bras, the lace on the tops of the cups lays perfectly against my breasts, so having a "regular" cup style without that lace is still something I have to get used to. The gaping isn't bad enough that it shows the girls while I'm swimming or anything, but it's annoying enough that it's there and I am hyper-aware of it, if that makes sense. Normally, I detach the wide-set straps and a bit of the armpit elastic, move them so they are narrower, and reattach them with my sewing machine, but I didn't want to risk the ugliness factor with my bikini. (I figure it doesn't matter if my sewing job isn't perfect on bras, since they aren't really seen by anyone other than my hubs, but a bikini is seen by ALL, so I don't want that to have a sloppy sewing job showing!)
Anyways, it's not perfect by any means, but until there is some magical, stretch-lace, soft cup bikini made, I think this is the best I am going to get.

(Even if there was a stretch lace bikini, I fear it would look too bra-like. Has anyone seen anything like that? Or have any other bikini suggestions? I am open to any and all of them! I've tried, with no success, Comexim, Ava, Freya, and Panache. The only bras that have ever fit me well are Ewa Michalak, so I would most likely need a Polish brand for the narrow cups and projection.)

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Feb 28, 2019 Flag this

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  • This is such a fun color. I am glad you found something that works well enough, and you got to enjoy the sun. Did you get matching bottoms?

  • veggiechic No, though I sorta wish I had, because the bottoms are really cute! I have a pair of high waisted plain black bottoms that go with it pretty well.
    If the Sherbet Bikini ever comes out, I plan to splurge on the top and bottoms of that one. I'm a sucker for bright colors!

  • 2

    Glad it works well enough to keep and wear, sorry it's less than ideal. Hopefully the sherbet one will get released this year. :-)

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