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So I remeasured myself because I was bored... » All bra adventures


So I remeasured myself because I was bored...

...and my underbust is now 26" instead of 27". Holy tiny ribcage batman!

And I can comfortably hook my 28G Andorra Full Cup on the third hook now *cries*. I only got it for a month!

And I'm now quadboobing on my 28G Lucy when it used to quadboob only if I pull my shoulders backward extremely. And the gore is 3-4mm away from my sternum. It used to tack nicely. My Andorra still tacks, though.

My measurement now is:
UB tight as hell: 26" (It used to be 26.5")
UB snug: 27"
B standing: 34" (Generally it has always been this number, although that one time it measured 33")
B leaning: 35.5" (It used to be 35")
B lying on back: 34.5"
Perimeter is still the same: 10.5"

Remigration? Maybe, since my boobs don't flop like a fish braless now and feel firmer all over. SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS SPONGEYBOBBBBBBBBB SQUAREPANTSSSSSSSS.

PMS? My period has just ended.

Diet? I don't diet. There's too much good food where I live.

Does this mean I have to go up to 28GG on certain bras now? Does this mean I'm in between sizes? What should I doooooooooooooooooo. *cue Edvard Munch's painting*

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Shared on Mar 08, 2013 Flag this


  • I laughed at the image of boobs flopping like fish. That's pretty much exactly what mine looked like pre-remigration!

  • lolz, that one cracked me up too :D Mine don't exactly flop, you know...
    Did you guys ever see or hear a booty clap?
    Well, I can sort of do a boob clap in certain situations :D :D :D

    But on a serious note, that does sound like migration and an excuse to buy new bras ;)

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