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One-hook Gossard giving me trouble » All bra adventures


One-hook Gossard giving me trouble

Does anyone have any suggestions or links to help fix this? For some reason a 30E only seems to warrant one hook, and obviously it is straining. I'm unfortunately not super sewing-savvy, but I can hand stitch well enough and have a friend who is great on a machine. I just don't want this poor little hook to pop off! Thanks!

Filed under Bra alterations

Shared on Aug 15, 2015 Flag this


  • Is the band fine or is it actually too tight? In that case, you could get an extender and use one of the other hooks, which are not strained. Sorry, I don't have any other suggestions for how to fix it

  • that style of Gossard would be super easy to alter to a double or triple hook.
    just seam rip the ends that attach to the elastic bands and then sew on the size hook and eyes you want.
    i suggests youtubing "how to attach hook and eye to a bra", and then you'll see how easy it should be, i would recommend only hand sewing this as many machines (at least my vintage one) can't handle that small and thick elastic.
    good luck :)

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