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cleo jude » All bra adventures

cleo jude

what is it about the Cleo Jude that makes it such a monstrosity? I bought it on Zulily a while back before I knew it was "the Cleo pariah" (source for that quote from an old /r/ABTF thread (can we please always use that phrase now)). I know a lot of people said the cups were too tall, but what IS it about the underwires? That's my only gripe with it.

I was rather uncomfortable in it when I first tried it on when it arrived, and thought it might just need a breaking in. I kept it because I had no t-shirt bras. I wore it today when I had to wear a nice dress (and I feel like I filled it out way better than last time... I'M SO HOPING I'M NOT GROWING). I think I actually fit it pretty darn well. The underwires are just strangely uncomfortable. It's a completely new feeling, and I can't pin down what it is!!

Any thoughts?

Filed under Bra sizing and fit

Shared on Feb 10, 2015 Flag this


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