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Aug 06, 2014 » All bra adventures

Aug 06, 2014

So the parfait delphine set I ordered arrived (technically the first delivery attempt was Monday but the postal worker is lazy and so didn't make any effort to see that the inside gate was open so they could make it up to the door...) and although I have to take in the panties at the side seams - who on earth makes a size small so huge and yet so shallow?! - I love the set. However, that's not exactly what this adventure is about. In the box with my lovely matching bra and panty set was one of their 3-packs from the packaged panty line that the people over at Affinitas/Parfait introduced 2012/2013 (I think). For panties that come with a "one size fits most" label, these are amazing. The hipster style is not your granny's panties in the least either; they're cute and I haven't had to do any covert adjusting in the rear all day. The mesh-type fabric and stretch lace trim seems like it will be pretty delicate so they'll be hand-washed with my bras just to be on the safe side.

Filed under Clothes

Shared on Aug 06, 2014 Flag this

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