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Degrading Bras » All bra adventures

Degrading Bras

Who has had their bra's gore fit perfectly initially, but slowly start to migrate away from their chest over time? Maybe it's just the fabric of the bra stretching out or something, I donno. I got this bra about a month ago and i'm already putting it on it's tightest hook... uh oh. It helps with the gore issue, but to be honest it makes me quite nervous! I dont want to be wearing out this bra already!

Filed under Bra sizing and fit

Shared on Jun 24, 2014 Flag this


  • That happened to me with one of my favorite bras. I noticed suddenly (although I'd had mine longer than you) that it wasn't tacking when I knew it used to and I was sad. It doesn't seem terribly unstable, so I keep wearing it.

  • This happens to me a lot with bras that aren't a perfect fit for me to begin with (usually a bit wider and shallower than I need). I'm still nursing my daughter, so it's not unusual to see a small change in inner fullness and that is enough to make one of those bras fail to tack. If you have some fluctuation in fullness due to your menstrual cycle or other hormonal changes, you could be going through the same thing.

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