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May 13, 2014 » All bra adventures

May 13, 2014

My friend and I both have flared ribs. I'm okay after slightly bending the underwires, but my friend is having a lot of trouble - her ribs are all bruised and purple :S A band size up makes bras not supportive enough to avoid killing her shoulder, so right now the choices are bruised ribs or excruciating shoulder. She is wearing a Rosa Faia one (which is the worst offender), a lacy Simone Perele one, and a Huit demi cup (styles unknown because she cut off the tags, argh). I am thinking a longline bra might help, but I don't know if that would be comfortable pushing flared ribs in. Anyone else have these problems to such a degree or have any suggestions as to what kind of construction might work for her?

Filed under Bra sizing and fit

Shared on May 13, 2014 Flag this


  • My ribs get more sore if I need to go up a cup size- has she re measured lately? Tried different shapes? Other than that, wire bending is my only trick. Maybe something with padded wires (panache sport etc)?

  • I have no experience with this myself, but I think a longline probably would help as it would spread the load over a greater surface area. In regards to the longline pushing the rib flare in, I think definitely try the band size up - I know your friend finds the next band up causes shoulder pain, but with the extra support provided by a longline perhaps that wouldn't be such a problem?

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