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possible colourway feature? » All bra adventures


possible colourway feature?

So the colourway affects the fit -- which I knew, of course, but it was really brought home to me when I found the black Freya Gem Balcony Bra (1361) fit me, I felt like singing, at last by pure luck I'd found the perfect cup depth for me ... only to find the beige colourway was too deep. Only by a smidge, but that's all it takes to just feel that tiny bit shabbier.

And lately, since discovering the black Gem's cup depth, I've been playing around with exploring by measurements etc, to find bras with promising measurements and decide whether I should order up or down a cup size etc. I've even found myself on the measurements tabulation page (eg for each bra I'm looking at, in an attempt to see the range of measurements. And it occurred to me, what I'd find really helpful in that table, would be a note field stating the colourway. Just so when I'm scanning the list of cup depths, I can see if the black consistently runs shallower or the red consistently runs deeper etc. It might make bra-hunting a tiny bit less pot-luck?

I don't think the colourway field need be factored into the calculations, since averaging takes care of it over time, but to have the information visible for those who like to dig deeper might be useful. That way at least I'd be able to better estimate if there are any beige Freyas which might fit me. As it is, I'll be sticking to the dark colourways for Freya, unless I can try them on first. Which is a pain, because I really need a nude bra!

(It just now occurs to me there could also be a note field, a star or something, indicating whether the bra is pre-owned? Wouldn't make a difference to cup depth, but would definitely make a difference to band length, right? Frex, I have a pre-owned 65FF - Ewa Michalak ยป Chp Milady (329) . There's no way a new 65 EM band would fit me, but because I've added the bra back into the database, people looking at the table might see that it occasionally comes in a longer band and might be fooled into ordering the wrong band size? I'm sure Bratabase already factors this into its calculations for exchanged bras, but not all exchanges happen through Bratabase so a visual guide could still be useful?)

Thoughts? Jj ?

Filed under Bratabase

Shared on May 12, 2014 Flag this


  • I'm still trying to find sizes that work and I know I would definitely find such features useful.

  • this would be great- i know i have a purple andorra fullcup thats supposed to run smaller, and i worry it skews the whole page!

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