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How many of us? » All bra adventures

How many of us?

How many Bratabasers do we have in the community? Mr. BF asked and I couldn't give good answer. I'm curious as well. Jj is there a way to find out?

Filed under Bratabase

Shared on May 11, 2014 Flag this


  • I also get asked that question and it is a very difficult question to answer.

    The number of registered users on the database is a false number of who are members of the "community" (if one wants to call it that).

    There are many users that do not participate in conversation but add bras.
    Most of them have a very sparse usage of the site as they only come when they get a new bra every few months and then go inactive again.

    Also, users are rotating last year we had a group of users that were very active and now they don't come much to the site. Do they still count for the "size" count?

    I can never answer this question, I don't brain like that. Need something more specific. "How many users have added bras ever", or "In the last month" or "Current number of entries on users table", "Total of users with 50+ reputation" "total of users with 50+ reputation that have logged in in the last 3 months and added one bra".

    Then again, I suppose that one wants this number to compare with other places, but knowing these details the comparison becomes unfair. It is unfair to compare the activity of users on a site that requires lots of effort to use like Bratabase (measure boobs, measure bras, take pictures, etc) to a place that has much lower threshold like facebook, or twitter. Of course they will have more users because participating is cheaper.

    I am unable to answer :S

  • A whole page of relevant facts and figures could be fun? How would an active user even be defined? Someone who adds bras, shares adventures and/or interacts with others at least once a month?

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