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Flaw in wire width measurement? » All bra adventures


Flaw in wire width measurement?

Something I've been wondering - doesn't the gore height have a huge influence on our cup width measurements? It seems to me that measuring tip to tip on wires, plunges are going to have artificially inflated wire widths, as it's taking the long route diagonally rather than straight across, if you picture it on a body. Doesn't that make cups look automatically wider, comparatively, if you're just looking at the numbers?

Filed under Bratabase

Shared on Apr 08, 2014 Flag this


  • It's something I've noticed too but I don't know how you could get around it while measuring. There would be way more error if you tried to measure straight across the cups for every bra as this would require a lot of estimation.

    I think you'd just have to take gore height, wire width and wire length into consideration when trying to determine whether the wires would work.

    Another thing about the wires is that different brands have different strengths of wires. When worn, a Freya wire will stretch further than a Cleo wire. I don't care if they both look the same on paper if they're doing completely different things on my body. Would it at all be feasible to add a "stretched band wire width" measurement?

  • I've definitely noticed this, because I can't use the depth measurement unless i'm comparing different sizes of the same model.

    I think a better way to measure projection is to hold the bra cup horizontally, and put a small weight in it. The furthest distance the weight can be from the plane of the wire is a good measure of the projection.

    This is hard to picture I realize. Let me add a drawing. :)

    EDIT: Oops, I misunderstood. Please ignore.

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