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Feb 12, 2014 » All bra adventures


Feb 12, 2014

I've had my Cleo Juna (6461) 30FF for three months now, and although it's technically a fit I just dislike it so much. I can't even pinpoint where from exactly my dislike stems. However, since I'm absolutely in love with Cleo Maddie Moulded Balconette T-shirt Bra (7201) , which is made off of the Juna model I conclude my Juna-hate is for the material used.

If I compare the padding between the Juna and the Maddie they are pretty similar, but something strange happens when I put on the Juna: the padding suddenly feels as thick as the smog over Beijing. I feel as though my boobs have been imprisoned in the padded room of an asylum, and the flimsy lace on top just sort of flutters around like a leaf in the wind. (I can't seem to stop myself from writing all these horrid similes) The straps are too far apart, and small in width, but really padded, for some reason I'll never be able to understand. The band is loose and it comes out ~15cm when hooked on the innermost hook. (Okay, that's not really the Juna's fault; I should've checked the size before I bought it)

I don't know, I can't explain it: it's irrational. The Juna and I just don't go hand in hand. If anyone else ever felt this way, please let me know. I feel like I must be mad!

Filed under Bras ups and downs

Shared on Feb 12, 2014 Flag this

  • I can relate. I love the shape the Cleo Maddie gives, so I was excited to try the Juna. I remember putting the Juna on and thinking, "ok, technically everything fits perfectly, lifted with no bulging, no cutting, the band is snug." But something was It didn't look right, my boobs looked boxy.. like one of those old orange life preservers. The padding is thick, but that didn't bother me as much as the odd shape it gave me.

  • Felt the exact same way. I love the Maddie. When I tried the Juna I couldn't point to exactly what wasn't right, but something definitely wasn't. The lace didn't lay flat, but I understand that's the way it's supposed to be apparently. And while I thought that was stupid, it was more than that.

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