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Jan 19, 2014 » All bra adventures


Jan 19, 2014

Kris Line is on Zulily today. They seem to have a pretty wide range of sizes available right now.

Filed under Bra news

Shared on Jan 19, 2014 Flag this


  • Does anyone have any experience in sizing for Kris Line? I've always loved their styles, but never had the opportunity to try one on. I'd assume they use Europe sizing, but then I see they have double letter sizes listed too. According to the Zulily size chart, I'd need an I cup (UK FF -> US H -> EU I) and that seems a little extreme to me. Since they don't allow returns, I'm hesitant to order anything.

  • Kris Line uses 2cm cup increments instead of the 1" that most brands use. The cups are deep and narrow, as is standard per Polish brands, and I know at least in larger cup sizes, the wire channels are sewn to overlap at the gore (which is excellent for those of us with very close-set breasts).

    I had a bra in 65JJ when I was wearing about a 28HH in most UK brands (I wore a lot of Freya and Cleo back then), but the fact that the cups were deeper and narrower helped with this. I could also point you to this blog post, where some of the bras are reviewed, but again in the very large cup sizes, so I'm not sure if that will be helpful or not. :)

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