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Is it wrong that this makes me so mad?? » All bra adventures


Is it wrong that this makes me so mad??

I'm a bit of a fan of Modcloth, an online store with a bit of a 'retro' style, perhaps you know it. They sell clothes and homewares, shoes (oh, the shoes!) and occasionally underwear. Now, they aren't a large-cup specialist or even a lingerie specialist, they do what they do very well on the whole and I'm not going to stop shopping there. However I saw a bra on there this morning and my brain exploded a little:
What. The. Hell.
I don't think it's unreasonable of me to expect a company that sells bras to know how they should fit and to promote them appropriately. But we see it all the time don't we - models strapped into bras that are almost always too small in the cup and too big in the back, evidenced by empty under-cups, gapping wires, squeezed-out cleavage or droopy boobs etc etc. I think this morning I just snapped because this one is just so obviously bad.
Most of the time I don't pay too much attention to the 'smaller' end of the lingerie industry, hey if you don't need much support and you don't find your bra uncomfortable who am I to nit pick about whether you should be in a 32D instead of a 34B. But it really worries me to know that thousands of girls are looking at that pretty purple bra on that gorgeous model and thinking it's ok for your bra to fit like that cos Modloth are amazing and surely know their stuff. But a 30E will buy the bra in a 34D, or a 34F will by a 38D and think it's ok cos that's how the models always look in the magazines, and the bras will sell so the manufacturer won't see a need to make other sizes, and the cycle of delusion and exclusion continues.

Like I said, it happens all the time and it's not good enough. It's just not right.
That's my rant. Thank you for listening.

Filed under Bra sizing and fit

Shared on Nov 13, 2013 Flag this


  • That is so unflattering, it actually made me LOL. It's like they glued on some sad, little boob hats.

  • I absolutely agree with you CateyLou!

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