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How do you determine where your boobs are on the soft firm scale and how it affects your fit? I see the it mentioned here and there, but only in bits and pieces and I can't find anything that lets me know what applies to my boobs.

Filed under Bra sizing and fit

Shared on Oct 21, 2013 Flag this


  • helps some. Really, there is no "firm" definition (ha, I crack myself up).

    But you might be soft if:
    *you wear a low plunge and find yourself oozing out/escaping at the gore
    *you wear a molded bra and your breasts puddle at the bottom of the cup
    *you hold them up in your flat palms and they flatten out
    * you wear a molded up and have no cleavage (or struggle to get any)

  • I don't think the shape chart helps at all with determining firmness. I also think it's easier to create cleave with soft boobs, because it would be easier to mush soft boobs together, whereas firm boobs tend to stay in a more neutral stance and will cause the bra to crumple around them if forced into an unnatural position.

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