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If you ever wanted a Braologie Mini Vest... » All bra adventures


If you ever wanted a Braologie Mini Vest...

Braologie's redesigned Mini Vest is out, and the promo is a good one. Until October 25th, it's $19.99 each, with free worldwide shipping! They renamed it the Bracie, and the coupon code is BRACIE2013. Here's the page:,9t79uIP3KMc3vVts6X71Q5P1EWX7FbUC&hblid=fZMGvYIuhp6Y7CoN6X71Q5P1EWF0PAe1&_okgid=**null&olfsk=olfsk47084968920166403&url=aHR0cDovL2JyYW9sb2dpZS5jb20vcHJvbW8ucGhwP2lkPUJSQUNJRURFQUwyMDEz&

They said the free shipping is for the Bracie only. If you also order bras, you'll still need to spend $100 to get free shipping. According to the promo page, the Bracie will be $55.98 when it's regular price. That's a jump from when I ordered the Mini Vests in March. They were $39.99 each.

They said there will be a promo for the Bracie after October 25th, until when I don't know, but it won't be as good. I'm trying to decide how many Bracies to get, and whether I can justify getting the camisole or bodysuit.

Filed under Bra news

Shared on Oct 15, 2013 Flag this


  • Thanks for the info! I tried their bras and they didnt fit but at that price ill try tue vest!

  • How has it been redesigned? I had some problems with the original vest scrunching up by the hooks, and I felt it needed some boning to stop that. I liked the idea, I just thought that it had some issues.

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