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I feel bad about having Bratabase pay for shipping » All bra adventures


I feel bad about having Bratabase pay for shipping

At first it was great to have Bratabase pay for exchanges and give aways. But this summer I bought SO many bras and as of now I only have TWO that fit, so I have a lot of bras to get rid of and have been exchanging like crazy. Shipping from the US is crazy expensive. I actually left some bras there because I thought it would be cheaper for my mom to ship them. Not so! She shipped a CK bikini from IL to MA and it cost $8 in a regular envelope! I can send a bra for $3-4 from Korea abroad. I've sent to Austria, Canada, the UK, and the US and it's all about the same. I just sent 3 EM bras to the US and it only cost $6. Granted, it takes longer, but since shipping from Korea isn't that much I'm just going to suck it up and pay. I sent 4 envelopes today, cost $15 which is about what it would cost to buy half a watermelon here. Since I don't buy watermelon (because they're crazy expensive!), I figure I'll just pay for exchanges and giveaways myself.

Filed under Bratabase

Shared on Sep 09, 2013 Flag this


  • I wouldn't worry about it too much. Jj is an awesome dude who really is giving. If it was becoming too much for him, he would do the same as he had with shipping on bought bras and have a set limit and once that limit was reached, he said no more.

  • Yes, Jj is amazing, but I've already requested money for 4 exchanges this week and just sent 2 more today, so I think I'm just going to not ask for money now.

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