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Strapless Bra Mayhem » All bra adventures

Strapless Bra Mayhem

I found the first strapless bra that has ever fit me in my (over 25 years of bra wearing) life. The only problem is it was the last one of its kind in the clearance section, and it's a sister size or 2 too big in the band. The cups fit wonderfully, but I have to fasten it on the tightest hooks right away. I'm hoping since it will only see wear every other month or so during warm weather (like when I want to wear a tank, but need to care about bra straps that day) or maybe during carnival season now that I can wear a strapless gown.
Anyone ever gotten a special occasion bra in a less than perfect size? Did it work out like you hoped?

Filed under Bra sizing and fit

Shared on Sep 06, 2013 Flag this

  • strapless are tricky. The band needs to fit or it could fall down. I would see if you or a seamstress can alter the band for you. :)

  • you could try having a friend, tailor, or yourself moving the eye portion of the band farther down to shrink the band

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