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Aug 30, 2013 Changing Names and other confusion... » All bra adventures

Aug 30, 2013 Changing Names and other confusion...

I'm so utterly confused.

I know some have changed their usernames here.
This one's not a biggie - just confusing for me. And I don't know whether they care that I know or if they do/do not want that info out there in the general bratabase public. Or maybe I'm hallucinating it and there are more than one of certain boobs out there? That seems more logical, actually. Just like somewhere out there, there's our doppelganger? Maybe it's the same with boobs?? lol.

I suspect some have added another account.
Sure, it's not confirmed, but it's really hard to hide one's grammar/syntax trends, especially from someone who does a lot of editing or reading. I don't care that they added another account; I'm sure most of them had their reasons. I am only concerned that it is *possible* it is for a reason that is bad, deceptive, or otherwise shady. That does not make me happy.

And I don't have the little blue checkmark on my name yet. Then again, I haven't asked about it yet, so that one's probably on me. :D (Oops!)

Filed under Bratabase

Shared on Aug 30, 2013 Flag this


  • Some people may have changed their name due to the recent highlighting of security, which recommended that we have a unique name here that we don't use anywhere else. I changed my name for that reason, so I would imagine others have also.
    How do we get the verified blue check mark, anyway?

  • Meh, my name here, I actually use on most bra sites. Which isn't that revealing of me, and doesn't pose major employment risks. Plus, in my area of work, being odd is not odd and I've seen coworkers who are far more revealing.

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