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Problems uploading pictures? » All bra adventures

Problems uploading pictures?

Hey guys, I've been told that many of you are having issues uploading pictures and running into a 404 screen.
If you've had this problem please let me know, all the input I can get about this is useful to address the situation.
Also feel free to email me the pictures if you want to, I'd be happy to help with that too while things are not fixed.

Filed under Bratabase

Shared on Aug 28, 2013 Flag this


  • I've had the problem in the recent past, sporadically. I actually thought it was my connection.

    Basic info about my Bratabase habits. I use Google Chrome (the most recent stable version, it's set to auto-update). I don't bother to resize images before uploading them, so they're kind of largish.

    I've found I've been more likely to run into the 404 error when I upload large amounts of images in one go. If I only put up 3 or 4, it seems to be more stable. I've always been able to upload images after a few goes though.

    I'm not sure if there's any other info you'd like for trouble-shooting.

  • Same as Ereshiy; small amounts of pics seems to work, but but if I try to upload more pics at once then tumbnails will be generated forever.

    I have a lot of problems with uploading and I think it's just as frequent it doesn't work as it does. I thought it was more of a server problem of some sort so I didn't report it :)

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