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Sort of sorted out my size » All bra adventures


Sort of sorted out my size

Sort of being relative.

1 - I'm in a 32-34 band. Both are fine, the 34s aren't riding up at all.

2 - Full cups are stupid on me. I'm not even going to bother anymore. I'm very full on the bottom. Very full. A full cup - by the time it fits the bottom, I have enough room for my other boob in the top of the cup.

3 - Cup size - well, that's all over yet. To some degree, it depends on how much awesome cleavage I want. Ok, that's the biggest part. Then, during Shark Week, I'm up at least one cup size. Freya 34GG are tight normally. During Shark Week, ha. Their H's fit exactly the same as the GG, actually some are smaller. So I've got a JJ to try. It's the $5 bra train bra. If it doesn't fit, it's back on the train. But I've got to get SOMETHING to fit Shark Week fun, and that's the week I do NOT want to be in public.

But, with my really loved Curvy Kate Thrill Me/Tease Me bras. A 34FF does fit, it's secure, I don't have quad boob going on. But there's a LOT of boob going on. A 32HH is what fits "exactly" right. Holding the wires side by side of the 34FF and the 32HH, at least in mine, the width of the wires is the exact same, and the depth of the cups are the exact same. The extra room is that the HH cup is higher. The FF cup hits just slightly above where my boobs slope back to my body when they're jacked to Jesus, which these bras do VERY well. So, that's why I suspect I'm not getting the cutting in to cause quad boob, and I'm not spilling out because it's just above the point of doom on me. The HH covers up higher by a good 2" actually. And I had to pull the left ribbon a bit tighter in my Thrill Me, or it had a minor gapping issue.

For my unpadded Curvy Kate/Flirtelle collection - straight up 32H. And I yank those straps TIGHT. As in the sliders sit on my collarbone in front tight. But, I've got a really smooth, round shape then. I found I actually like the straps that tight, since if I need to, it's a pretty easy to adjust placement if a strap is a bit too long that day or too short, I can fix it without turning myself inside out or taking the bra off.

4 - I have no shame in modification if a bra isn't working. The usual issue is the center wires are up too high. I have bolt cutters and I have a sewing machine. Also, if a band is too big, I've found I can usually take in from the side seams easily which then stretches the back instead of from the wires on me. And trim that's annoying is GONE. Snip snip. If it's annoying, I'm not going to wear it. If the bra is perfect otherwise, I want to wear it. I also have taken the straps in on 4 of my bras now, and they still support everything perfectly, but now the dumb straps aren't in my armpits.

And now I'm wondering why I was wearing a 40 something for all that time.

Filed under Bra sizing and fit

Shared on Aug 27, 2013 Flag this


  • The center wires,you mean the gore?Cause I got a Panache Andorra bra,fullcup and the gore was wayyyy too tall and so painful.I was looking at some EM bras and noticed it seems like some of the ones I like have high gores as well with the photos of the bigger model,which worries me.But if the ones I get are like,maybe I could alter it.

  • Hmm. Did it not get to you yet? It says it was delivered on Monday.

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