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Shopping for 32's » All bra adventures


Shopping for 32's

Based on lots of suggestions that I should probably be wearing a 32C I headed out today to look for some. I ended up at Nordstroms and found two bras that looked good. I found a Natori Josie Etoile Contour Plunge bra in 32C. The band was really tight but the cups, although just a touch big, seemed to fit really well. I never realized how much I was squishing my boobs with the 34A's I've been wearing. I'm going to head back with an extender and see if it helps any.

The second bra I found was a Felina Lush Lace T-shirt bra, it looked so pretty hanging on the rack that I just had to try it on. The band felt good and the cups were really close which was good for my close set boobs. The downside was the cup shape was not at all right for my shape. It kind of cut straight across the top and left me looking weird. The good news is that I know that a 32C is not out of the question for me and now I know what a proper fitting cup should feel like.

Thanks to everyone who helped me with my fit requests and set me on the right track. I'm really looking forward to finding that perfect fitting bra

Filed under Bra sizing and fit

Shared on Aug 22, 2013 Flag this

  • Oh, good! I'm glad you're trying bras with a bigger cup volume! I think a lot of people are surprised at the size of the cup they need.

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