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Push up bras make boobs saggy over time? » All bra adventures


Push up bras make boobs saggy over time?

So, I'm seeing a lot of talk about how push up bras knead your breast tissue and make it softer. I always thought I'd wind up with really firm boobs like my mom (I'm not touching her boobs obviously, but I've seen them and even at 54 with big boobs, she looks amazing). I'm 24, and mine are still pretty firm especially at certain times of the month, but I've always loved push-ups and molded bras, whereas my mom always wore unpadded or unlined bras, so I'm wondering if I won't be as lucky as she is.

Is there truth to this? Also, what about molded bras that give you cleavage without any push-up padding? (Just by shape)? Parfait Affinitas Casey is great for cleavage for example, but it's not a push up.

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Aug 22, 2013 Flag this


  • Freya Deco! And I've heard that pushups can damage the tendons and muscles that hold your boobs up and firm, making them sag over time. This is because if the bra is holding them in so close and up so high, the tendons and muscles aren't needed. If that makes sense.

  • I didn't know that... I've worn pushup bras most of my life. Better stop now LOL

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