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Aug 19, 2013 » All bra adventures

Aug 19, 2013

So after two weeks of vacation, I have concluded the following: The Freya Deco I have fits best, but I'm still not in love with the shape it gives me. I like the shape I get from my Cleo Jude, but sometimes I get a bit of poking of the underwire in the armpit, even though the bra appears to fit properly. (I think maybe it's just because of where the underwire ends? If it came up a bit higher following the same line, it'd be fine, but as it is right now the end is perfectly positioned to jab me in the armpit if I reach in certain ways. Ow.) My Panache Tango Plunge is even worse in the armpit-stabbing department.

I'm not sure where to go next. I forget how the various brands run when it comes to underwire shape/positioning. I'm half-tempted to just try some bra customization and add some light boning to the wings of the Tango and Jude, to see if that works in terms of directing things so that the underwire end can't get in place to stab me. I recall one of my Fantasies (pre-size change) had a strip of boning in the band on either side and it was really very comfortable...

Filed under Bra sizing and fit

Shared on Aug 19, 2013 Flag this

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