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About last night happenings » All bra adventures


About last night happenings

After 5 or 6 users warning me about the user Lazer123, I finally proceeded to block that account last night.

I am sorry that I had to wait for last night's entry to happen, but prior that I did not have any hard evidence to just block that person from the site. Just because the pictures looked like a man? I never had enough information that this user had bad intentions, or that his reasons for a bra were not authentic. The only strange issue had been his inability to communicate properly :S

This has not been the first time a man has joined the site, and as far as I know this was the 2nd user that looks like a man and has added pictures, measurements and bras to the site. I tried to make my personal feelings not be part of the decision over their accounts (It made me uneasy too).

We can never know if a person signing up was born with the desired genetics or identifies themselves as an authentic bra wearer, or even less what their intentions are regardless of their "sex" (whatever that entails). But privacy has always been a priority when making the entire site, so you are always safe and you should have no harm from using the site.
That said, it is a goal of Bratabase to share bra information to the Internet, and eyes will land on the site's content, which is what we want, but we cannot control the intentions behind those eyes, but again, you should be safe by someone that lands on the site.

We just published a pair of documents on the site, they are linked on the footer, the Rules that we expect users to follow in order to have a peaceful bra discussion and privacy information so you are clear on what your privacy situation is on the site.


I have also implemented an option to flag entries, so you can easily bring them to our attention. We will act depending on each case. Please make sure to read the FAQ section on the Privacy page about perverts and why we don't just take action.

Filed under Bratabase

Shared on Aug 18, 2013 Flag this


  • Ah, I also made it a rule that you have to be able to communicate to participate, does not matter your bra needs, if you can only babble misspelled words, then you're breaking the rules.

  • I thought that was you..... I don't know anything about what happened last night so forgive anything I'm about to confess. I thought Lazer123 was you Jj. I thought you were trying on bras and posing for pictures being taken by your wife to be funny for the fitting help pictures. To make us women laugh. Cause I know that's what I was doing when I saw those pictures. I of course was trying to be nice just in case it was a woman. But I was thinking you were the only man who has anything to do with this website. It's not like there's any porn on here or anything obscene. I seriously thought that was you. I was thinking you had a great sense of humor. LOL. Sorry for anyone who got hurt by any man on here. I had to get that off my chest. I have a great sense of humor. :D

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