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Increase of Male Users Here » All bra adventures


Increase of Male Users Here

I've noticed an increase in the amount of male activity here, has anyone else noticed the same thing. I understand that we are quite weary of perverts, because we're trying to protect ourselves, but what are your ideas about men wearing bras? Some men experience nipple chafe or have other personal reasons for choosing to wear a bra. I don't want to discriminate against anyone's gender or sexual identity, or judge them for personal choices. How do we help men honestly asking for help, and discourage those who just see this site as free porn? Are men welcome? What are your thoughts?

Filed under Bratabase

Shared on Aug 17, 2013 Flag this


  • If they're actually here for something productive, I don't care. I assume that would most often be limited to transgenders and, possibly, drag queens. I would think they would find more useful info from other trans/queens, because of the unique problems of fitting bras on what originally developed as a male torso. Bratabase would still be useful for data, though, at least for commercial bras.

    You can usually tell who's male and who's here for a positive purpose. I'm not going to get into detail, but people are pretty transparent online, especially when they're trying to hide their true selves. I think every male (admitted and not) I've seen here has not passed the smell test... there was one possible "okay" one, but I have not seen him in a while.

    Don't get me wrong - I have no problem with people wanting to keep a "secret" profile here, whether male or female. I have a username here that I don't use anywhere else. That's mostly to prevent my psycho ex-boyfriend from googling me. Beyond the name, I'm pretty much me here. I think most of you can tell that, just by what you read of me. I don't think I'll ever intentionally pair up my real life with my Bratabase life, but I'm not hiding the person that I am, if that makes any sense? You can kind of tell the people that are trying to disguise themselves beyond the "real-life identity" part.

  • Forgot one thing....

    I figure, there will be boys who come here to ogle boobs in bras. Whatever. They're gonna do it anyway.

    The ones who don't wear bras themselves and create actual accounts here are the ones that want to know MORE about the individual girls in the pictures. That's the creepy part.

    Dude... do your anonymous ogling. We can't stop that. But if you're trying to put real women behind those boobie shots by making an account and stalking us and our posts and pictures, just don't. Go somewhere else and find people that WANT that from you. I'm sure there are tons of websites where you can ogle women and stalk them and they'll like it. Go on. Go.

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