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Jul 04, 2023 » All bra adventures


Jul 04, 2023

I have been away from the bratabase for a couple of years. There's been a lot of physical changes and a lot of boob growth. By June 2023 I shallow 34K/KK and am still growing, although fuller rather than measurably larger, but they grow with weight gain.

I had a breast augmentation to fill out my shape, give me projection and to look my cup size. I'm almost 2 weeks post op. I boobs were so naturally huge that I went from 0 to 1400cc with the one operation - which is unheard of, and currently I haven't gained a single cup size. It goes to show what happens when you put huge implants in huge boobs.

I'm still healing so we'll see what size I end up after I drop and fluff. I'm conscious of the fact that if I become any bigger (natural growth included) then I'll out-boob stores like Bravissimo.

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Jul 04, 2023 Flag this

  • Hi! Not sure if you do reddit, but there's a newer forum r/RunningOutOfLetters that addresses bra buying and fit for the larger cup sizes, yet another friendly and helpful group, like bratabase!

    Edit: sorry, it didn't directly link. It's this group

  • whoops, I think I accidentally deleted my own comment! Anyway, IN ADDITION to bratabase - which I find incredibly useful - there's a group (a newer group) on reddit that addresses the issue of finding bras that fit in the larger cup sizes. They may give you some ideas of what you can find in the U.K. I hope all goes well with you!

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