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Jan 24, 2023 » All bra adventures


Jan 24, 2023

I've been having a lot of mysterious medical issues lately and my bra search has effectively been put on hold.

One of the symptoms has been a condition called anasarca, which is an all-over edema caused by low blood protein, specifically a protein called albumin. Anyway, medicinal factoids aside, I've been putting off buying a bra because my body keeps fluctuating in shape and size, and I'm not even going out in public much anyway, so I tend to go braless 90% of the time.

Putting on bras and taking off bras (and all clothing) has also gotten significantly more difficult due to joint inflammation and limited range of motion. So I tend to forgo them. I'm hoping that once all of this has passed, I can see where my weight and body shape settles and finally get myself one or two new bras that (hopefully) fit right.

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Jan 24, 2023 Flag this

  • If you are interested, this is the company I bought bras from before i came here and was able to find underwire bras that fit me - and i still always own 1 or 2 of these for wearing on weekends and work-from-home days. They are sized but stretchy - esp in the lycra - and you can order them with a front closure. Not cheap but possibly an option if you are interesed

  • I have been in a similar situation, serenityserendipity . It's difficult, for sure. One of my treatments made me start lactating, and I was away from home and had not brought any bras with me. So I was occasionally leaking, visibly. 🙄

    Hang in there!

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