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Altering high wings? » All bra adventures

Altering high wings?

I seem to have a lot of bras that come up too high under my arms. The side part where the strap and cup meet, up there near the armpit. If I didn't have that issue, a lot of my bras would fit better and be more comfortable. Is there any way to alter this?

Filed under Bra alterations

Shared on Aug 07, 2013 Flag this

  • You could pull out the wires and slip in shorter ones (the wires are sold at JoAnn's or any fabric stores). It's a really easy and fast modification. I've switched wires with a few of my Freya unlined bras, but for the opposite reason: I add longer wires. It's a little trickier because I have to be sure there will be enough fabric left over to accomodate the longer wires.

    If you put in the shorter wires and there's too much fabric on the sides of the cups, a quick tuck could fix it up.

    I'm going to have to check out your bras because tall sides are what I want and it's been difficult for me to find bras that have them!

  • I never thought about switching out the wires. That's a good idea.

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