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Jan 27, 2022 » All bra adventures


Jan 27, 2022

I have probably 30% of my breast tissue as sideboob on my ribs. Most bras do nothing to bring that forward because the side straps come up too low, so the sideboob escapes into my underarms. To complicate things, my shape is wide-root, shallow-depth, wide-and-low set. I'm a 30D; basically two pancakes on a griddle.

What bra brands have small sized bras AND high sides for the sideboob?

Filed under Bratabase

Shared on Jan 27, 2022 Flag this

  • Hard relate. When I was very young, someone donated a 30D Hilfiger 2 seamed soft cup & it saved my life. Alas I did not stay this small and into the wastes with Natori I went until even their 30G was way too small (and of course, tall). You may find high apex and plunge styles more effective but beware, due to very shallow flat designs that create poorly fitting cups, the sides ever be creepin & tattling on them.

    In the basic American & UK bra market you're not likely to find anything useful for this proportion, but look into A Bra That Fits (ABTF) and do some of their shape tests to get a feel for how the side boob will behave- sometimes we're just overflowing at the sides from other areas that don't give us the depth our bodies need.

    I personally judge a bra as it's shape as would be seen from below when worn. If it's a pyramid, it's a no-go. Those that appear more 'rectangular' or have straight lines directly out from the wire, before curving in are acceptable. Don't be afraid to do a hard pass when the inner panel and outer panel appear to be the same width (might be ok if the seam joining them is curvy instead of straight).

  • You may find it helpful to try a "fitting help" post to get some insight into your shape and bra construction styles that would suit your shape. Start with a bra that is not molded for a clearer picture.

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