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Alteration spot » All bra adventures


Alteration spot

There should totally be a website with collected bra alterations! Users are free to upload alteration pictures and a tutorial alongside with it. There'd be a scroll down list with sections to choose from: gore, straps, band and etc. etc. One section would be called "all", to include every kinda alteration to inspire the reader. I'm no web developer and I suck at stuff like that... Who made the bra band project? There should be another website with collected bra alterations! Anyone who wants to make this happen? I see so many great alterations people share here, but since this is such a big community, things get lost after a while =/

Filed under Bra alterations

Shared on Aug 03, 2013 Flag this

  • Interesting idea! It would be a great add on to this site, but I suspect there's more than enough work here already.

    Somewhat related, I would love if there was knowledge database on how to fit different body types and boob shapes.

  • Blur Actually, there is already something like this on bratabase. If you view all bra adventures (, there is a little list on the right where you can choose just the Bra Alterations ( I think it only shows the ones where people choose the Bra Alterations category, but it's better than nothing.

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