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What do you say when women don't believe your size? » All bra adventures


What do you say when women don't believe your size?

I've mentioned before that I don't "look" big at all. I wear a 30DD because it's easier to find, but I should be taking a 28F/FF (at least I moved on up from a 34C, those bras never freakin fit). But one issue I run into a lot is that other women (when they ask my bra size) don't believe me. I don't tell ANYONE about the 28FF, but even telling people I'm a 30DD shocks them. Lately I just tell my friends that it's a "weird size" and I "don't look it" and they leave me alone...but out of curiosity, what do you tell people when you let them know your size, and they don't believe it?

By the way, funny thing but two of my boyfriend's friends have come closer to guessing my size than any of my girlfriends. Men think about boobs more, I guess? Not that it's appropriate that they guessed, but at least they did it in front of my boyfriend.

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Jul 31, 2013 Flag this


  • That's exactly why my go-to line whenever anyone asks is "Oh, sweetie, I'm so much more than a bra size..."

  • You could say (if the situation is appropriate for any comments), sizing has become so much more sophisticated and accurate in the last few years. Thank goodness we can now get bras that FIT.

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