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Importantzz - Buyer's agreement » All bra adventures


Importantzz - Buyer's agreement

Hey guys, I just installed this annoying feature on the site:

Now, in order to be able to receive a transfer all users must have accepted the "Buyer's agreement", which is pretty much a checkbox saying that as a good Bratabase citizen you will add back the bra to the site and not run away with it.

You won't be able to transfer your bras to users that have not accepted this agreement.

All users will be prompted to accept this up on first communication to any seller regarding a listing ("contact user" link in listings), so most likely everybody that reaches you from now on must have accepted this. Only those existing coordinations will need to do this manually.

I'm sorry to do this, but the Listings are a really great asset of the site because we learn a LOT about how the same bra fits many people and smooths out measuring error, and it irks me a lot when I see bras going and never coming back :-/

I know most of you lovely ladies already do this and I thank you tons! I would go ahead and manually check this for you, but I need you to be aware of this to teach new users as I see a number of new accounts getting bras and never adding back :(

Filed under Bratabase

Shared on Jul 30, 2013 Flag this


  • I have transferred 1 bra that I haven't seen come back on bratabase. So I know what you're talking about. Thank you!

  • That's a great idea!

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