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Bra obsession » All bra adventures


Bra obsession

I feel like I am obsessed with finding the perfect bra and it's overtaking the spare moments of my life. I am nowhere nearing figuring out what bra I need/want, or if what I need/want even exists. I feel so close yet so far. When I received 30G - Parfait By Affinitas » Kimberly Demi (1601) it made my boobs look huge! And I liked that. But it gave me armpit fat that wasn't worth it, but still, that makes me think maybe I am closer to the perfect bra! But I was happy with my small boobs before, why do I need a perfect bra that makes them look huge? (with no armpit fat?!)

And I keep thinking I am finding clues, and I'm taking notes on the possibilities, on what to try next. But really I don't know which clue is the right one, and I don't know if the next clue I follow will just lead to another clue.

I have gained a lot so far from this proper bra fitting thing. I've learned that boobs come in a much bigger variety of shapes than I thought, that my boobs aren't as strange as I thought, and that the poorly fitting bras warped my boobs to make them look stranger than they were. I feel much happier with my naked boobs now, and I'm less worried about the perceived social shame of my nipples showing through my shirt.

I have a bra, my 36E - Elle Macpherson Intimates » Spree Underwire (E75-696) , which is fairly comfortable, fits more of my breast tissue than my old bras, and feels fun and sexy to wear. I want to improve on it so badly, but I feel like it's consuming so much of my time and money, and I feel stressed trying to solve the mystery of my boobs, how to make them look good and also be able to breathe deeply and work hard.

I think it is a good time for me to relax about bras. I am stressing about them and I don't think that's what bra-fitting should be about. I am quite happy with my body and yet I feel a compulsion to find pretty bras that shape my boobs just the way I want them, and to also be comfortable. It's a contradiction within myself.

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Jul 27, 2013 Flag this


  • I am very sorry you feel stressed about bra-fitting, but I can totally relate. I myself have more than once decided to simply stop trying out bras and just stick with the 'best' thing I had at that moment, just to clear my system from what was rapidly becoming a (rather unsustainable) obsession. My 'go to' bras at the moment are my Chantelle Rive Gauche T-shirt demi's (a decidedly less than perfect fit, but resonable flattering and very comfortable) and my Braologie Posture-Contour Casual (an unexpected stroke of luck). Neither of these are anywhere near my 'dream' bra (which is UNpadded, for starters), but they will do for now. I will still occasionally try something new (one bra I'd really like to try is the Fauve Chloe vertical seam bra, for example), but only one at the time and only if it's heavily discounted or otherwise a good deal.

  • Yes! Stress down! The bra fitting community is good at many things, but when it comes to curbing our shopping and perfecting obsessions it's terribly unhealthy and please don't get into it for any other reason than fun and play.

    Divide comfort and good looks in two categories, do not try to find everything in *one* bra, that's where you end up in bra fitting dependency hell. ( for reference)

    Don't believe the hype. Bra fitting is the PR consultants of the bra industry, those that will make you think nothing in bra fitting is random. When in reality everything in mass production *is* random for the individual person. Hence bras are very very random.

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