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28E/F - help ordering unlined Comexim » All bra adventures


28E/F - help ordering unlined Comexim

I'm planning on ordering from Comexim, but I don't know what size and alterations to get. Probably 60G/H or 65F/G, but I could use some help figuring it out.

I want to get Angel as a 3HC and maybe another bra. Maybe 3HC Musetta, Moulin Rouge, or Belle de Nuit, but any recommendations are welcome.
Angel doesn't have that many reviews here(all 2+ years old too, anyone bought it recently?), I can't tell if I need to size up or down. The alterations I'm considering are low overlapped gore, deeper cups near the wire, straps closer together and reduced cup height.

My measurements:
Snug underbust 70-71 cm(27.6-28"), tight 69 cm(27.2"), loose 73 cm(28.7")
Standing/lying bust 85 cm(33.5") leaning 89cm(35")
My size should be 28E/F, but I prefer 30 bands that run small or 28 bands that run large.

I think I'm even to FoB, center full and close set, with narrow tall roots. Average projection, but it's all immediate projection, top half looks shallow. Soft with some extra skin after losing weight.
Supported it looks like I'm even(or slightly FoB) and center full. Leaning it looks like I'm very FoB and very center full, the top and outer sides are completely deflated.

I always have these problems with bras, that I hope the alterations will fix:

- Not enough immediate projection: My biggest problem shopping for bras. Most are too shallow, too projected all over, or too projected but shallow near the wire.

- Wide, tall gore: Sits on breast tissue and part of one boob can't fit into the cup(not asymmetry, if I adjust it happens on the other side). A comfortable height would be 5 cm(2") from the top of the gore to my IMF if I overlap the wires completely. 6.5-7 is the average for 65F/G so maybe I should ask to lower it.

- Tall cups: I could ask for reduced cups, but if they're the same as other half cups in these sizes(most of them have 12-13 cm under cup height) maybe there's no need.

Bras I tried that were close:

Cleo Hettie 30E: Too full coverage, wrinkles on the side and top. I don't know if the cups were too large, too tall or it's too FoT for me. The wires were slightly wide(but not as bad as the average UK brands wires) and so were the straps. The gore was too wide and tall, if I overlapped the wires it would be a little bit taller than I'm comfortable with.

Cleo Asher 30E: Same as Hettie.

Bravissimo Elise 30E: Wide gore(but an easy fix because it's low), too firm wires, cuts in next to the straps, and I would've liked more immediate projection, otherwise fits great.

Bravissimo Camilla 30E: Wide gore and straps.

Filed under Bra sizing and fit

Shared on Oct 07, 2020 Flag this

  • If you’re interested I’ve got one 3HC in 65F. Can measure it for you and it might help you estimate the size you need?

  • martka00 thanks so much! That would be very helpful.

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