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Difficulties with breast shape » All bra adventures

Difficulties with breast shape

Not sure if I'm posting this in the right place, but here it is. I have wide set, pendulous/bottom heavy breasts and I was wondering what kind of styles of bras or fits would be recommended for a nice comfortable lift. I also have a desire for some cleavage for certain outfits of mine. Is there a way I can accomplish this without getting a push up bra (I don't prefer them) or will my body even allow that? Sorry if that's a silly question. If I could find a nice seamed bra for my needs/wants (padding or not) I would be so happy! I'm not big on moulded, contoured, or push ups. Thanks! :D

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Jul 15, 2013 Flag this

  • I too have wide-set, bottom-heavy breasts that hang down quite a bit, and I find that the Freya unlined balcony plunges work really well. Not a lot of cleavage but tons of lift - quite deep in the cup. You might find the wires a bit too narrow if you also have a wide root, but I personally find that although I'm wide-set, my root itself is actually narrow for the size of my breasts. I do find the gore to be wide enough in those bras.

    I know you said no contours, but for cleavage it might be something to at least try on. I get killer cleavage out of Wacoal La Femme Contour (853117). For unlined bras that result in cleavage, I'll leave that to the experts in unlined bras, as I've only just started wearing them again!

  • Maybe check out Andorra :) It can be quite cleavagy depending on what size used and it's quite stable :)

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