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What causes boobs to fold up in a bra? » All bra adventures


What causes boobs to fold up in a bra?

I *know* I have seen something about why this happens, but my google searches aren't finding it. I'm trying to fit my teenage daughter, the calculator gives a 34GG, she tried some, and even a 34H, and they all cause folding in the armpit area, with resulting "empty" space in the top of the cup. Also empty space down by the wire.
This is understandably causing her body angst, so I'd like to find her something that fits!

Filed under Bra sizing and fit

Shared on Jun 07, 2020 Flag this


  • Do you mean "skin" folds/breast tissue in the armpit area?
    I'm really fussy about my breast tissue being fully contained on the sides, so I pull my bra up, scoop and swoop ALL the breast tissue on the sides, in the armpit area, underneath and in the center, and tighten the straps. Maybe try doing that?
    If it doesn't solve this problem it's likely that she needs cups with more immediate projection

  • I think that you have discovered the problem on your own! The empty fabric at the wire indicates more projection is needed as previously indicated. I am sure that there is more appropriate language but I think of the breast tissue as being kinked in that armpit area - folded as you say. The breast tissue is not being supported where it needs it, but is being pushed up but not in a good way. Look for bras with more projection. Lots of people here look for that quality in a bra so there are lots of reviews!

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