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Fun with bras - I can have ALL the colours » All bra adventures


Fun with bras - I can have ALL the colours

On the heels of my success moving straps, I decided to try another alteration project I've been considering for quite some time. Yesterday, I dyed a
28GG - Freya ยป Jolie Balcony (4102) from boring white to dramatic green.

Since I have a love-hate relationship with lingerie sets (they're adorable, but my sensitive skin flares up if I put anything other than softest cotton near my nethers) I also tossed in a pair of cotton boyshorts, hoping for a pseudo-set. I was going for a hippiecore mossy grassy/green, but the bra came out a darker hunter green. The panties came out closer to the colour I was originally intended, so they don't quite match. Oh well. I'm still pretty pleased with both. The bra and panties together now give a sort of tough-girl sexy army fatigue vibe, which I sort of dig (though it might have worked with a less lacy looking bra, such as the Rio). Not enough of that in the lingerie world.

I had hoped the little rosettes would take colour and turn green/brown (they were previously white and pink). Unfortunately, they barely took any colour and turned into dirty white and dirty pink, which clashed horribly with the green, so I cut them off. The bra looks surprisingly bare without them. I'm not sure whether I want to embrace the minimalist aesthetic, or find some fun buttons or other adornments to replace them with. On the other hand, I was surprised that the strap hardware and hooks DID take colour and are now a pretty emerald green.

Filed under Bra alterations

Shared on Jun 16, 2013 Flag this


  • LOVE that colour!! I'd add white buttons to it to match the seams, if it were mine :)

  • That looks awesome!

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