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So, how do I get started on DIY bras? » All bra adventures


So, how do I get started on DIY bras?

I've got this disease that when I see stuff, I think I can do it better myself :D DIY syndrome. It's so bad, that even when I have ready made patterns, I just have to alter them somehow to make it "special" and after a while, I just come up with patterns of my own.

However, I really don't want to just go by trial and error. I learn best from other people's mistakes ;) So where do I start (books, websites) if I want to find out how to make bras? Where to find patterns with big cups, how to learn about whichs materials to choose, why things are usually done certain ways? I'll have to know what the box is like before I can think outside of it :)

Filed under Bra alterations

Shared on Jun 16, 2013 Flag this


  • I hear you completely -- I have exactly the same disease ;)

    If you're interested in drafting your own patterns I suggest you start with reading the free bra-making articles on Foundations Revealed: There's two of them, but they're the best you'll ever find on the topic of drafting. There's a whole lot more INCREDIBLE bra-making stuff that you won't find anywhere else that, unfortunately, is accessible through paid subscription only. If you're bitten by the bug it's definitely worth it though to take, say, a month subscription and grab what you can ;)

    Another excellent -- and free! -- drafting resource is Pattern School, here: (be sure to also check the other items under the 'Bra' tab -- lots of info there too!).

    If you're willing to splurge there's Beverly Johnson's Bra-Making Manual, arguably 'the best' resource for bra making. I'd say it's okay and indeed probably the most complete book on the subject, but after reading virtually everything out there on the Web I wasn't totally impressed. If you must, get the digital version instead of the paper one, as it's quite a bit cheaper. NB: for notes on drafting your own pattern FROM SCRATCH you'll need Volume 2! There's virtually nothing on the topic of drafting in Volume 1.

  • This stuff all looks really interesting! I feel like it would be so much less hassle to make a pattern which works for me instead of altering ready-to-wear stuff, but I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out where on earth to get underwires from. All the bra supply shops which I've looked at seem to have wires which are the wrong dimensions. I really want a sort of 'U' shape, which is relatively long for it's width. It also needs to be really sturdy! None of this Freya limp celery sticks wires business.

    I emailed the shop which sells supplies in Australia, and I've been given the name of someone who makes custom bras, so I've emailed her and I'm waiting to see what she comes back with. I've never done complex sewing, but I have done some sewing, and I have a pretty good idea of what my personal needs are when it comes to bras.

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