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So sick of my body right now » All bra adventures


So sick of my body right now

I feel so incredibly terrible... I just took out the measuring tape because I was measuring my Enell. I've been dreading to measure myself lately, but I did. I had to face the truth. I know I've gained weight (used to weigh 55-56 kilos) and I now weigh 59 kilos. That's a weight gain of 3-4 kilos. It might not sound like a hella lot but on a small body it really messes up with your measurements. I didn't dare to measure my hips because I got depressed before I even got there. My bust measures 93 cm now (standing straight) and it used to measure 89... No wonder my 85C Kappahl bra that used to fit me great in the cups are now a tad too small. The most dreadful part though... My waist measures 74 cm and my underbust relaxed 80 cm (!!!!). I feel like a meatball; equally as wide as tall.

Now the comparison. When I weighed 55-56 kilo my bust measured 89 cm (standing up), my waist 67 cm and my underbust 73 cm held loosely. And how tall am I? 152 cm. So even though these measurements might not sound all that big, they are on such a small frame that I have. Okay, done with the moping, I won't get any results from that. I've been meaning to get my ass out of the couch and start exercising for a looong time. I haven't done that because I have no sports bra that fits and I really wanna engage in hight impact activities because that's my kinda thing, I get a huge rush from it and exercising just becomes soooo much more fun for me with that kinda intensity! Anyway, I've come to realize that it might not be reasonable for me to wait until I have a sports bra that fits, I might die before I get one of those (yes, I'm quite depressed at the moment, I need to be excused because I have PMS and I just found out I'm a meatball x) xD ). Sooo...

What's your advice for me to lose weight? It obviously has to EXCLUDE anything that makes the boobs bounce around too much, running for example. Ofc I know the diet is very important, but I really don't eat unhealthy food. I haven't eaten cake, candy, chips, soda or anything like that for almost 5 years now. I also don't eat that much, I eat reasonable amounts of food. I'm guessing the weight gain is a result of how much I just sit down, I never exercise. My weight's been stable for 2-3 months now so this is not a climbing spiral so I don't have troubles with keeping my weight while I'm at it :) I guess my body just got chocked when I had to quit playing football. Ugh, I hate it that I can't do high impact activities yet, but I really wanna lose weight so if I have to get through it all being bored it's still worth it. It'd be nice to hear some of your own experiences as well :) Thanks a ton!

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Jun 13, 2013 Flag this


  • You know what the worst part is? I really think I'd enjoy skipping ropes if it wasn't for my boobs! I've always liked skipping ropes, it feels "cleansing" to me to stand outside and skip ropes, look at the blue sky and feel the wind brush my cheek. I was just thinking about it a few days ago but I can't because that'd hurt too much :(

  • Ooooh! I found something I might do! :D Hula hooping! Please come with suggestions if you have some ^^ Also, weight loss stories of your own would be veeery appreciated! :)

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