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Nov 11, 2018 » All bra adventures

Nov 11, 2018

I am hoping for help translating across brands. My best-fitting bras are EM CHPs in 80GG... should I try Kris Line in a 36H? I've seen references to the bands being tight in smaller sizes and true to size in smaller cups, but also a couple saying the bands are stretchy in the larger sizes and the bigger cups run a bit small....

Filed under Bra sizing and fit

Shared on Nov 11, 2018 Flag this


  • It really would be dependent on the style you are looking at in Kris Line, and how the CHP fits your breasts currently.

    For me, I size down in CHP for a more rounded mound (28:15) and because she won't make the style in a 28:16 haha. Yet I wear a 28:16-28:17 in Ewa's other styles.

    In Kris Line I wear a 28:18 though, but it's the only style they make in my size and not really comparable to Ewa's CHP style.

    I see you have one CHP, but tried a second that didn't fit in the same size. What were the fit issues in that 2nd one and how did it differ from the first? Do you have any other bras that fit that could help us guide you?

    Also, which style/model of Kris Line were you looking at getting?

  • Yikes -- thanks for reminding me that I never finished documenting that @Magnolia! It is actually the best-fitting bra I own now... my other much-beloved EM is getting pretty worn out.

    I found a Brilliant soft cup on ebay at a good price... it is technically a nursing bra, but it is really pretty and I thought I might give it a try.

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