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Why this happens? » All bra adventures


Why this happens?

6 months ago I joined gym and started to eat healthier. Between May and September I've lost 8kg (which im very proud of). My excercise mainly involved fast walking on a treadmill (can't run, my lungs are too weak :D), crosstrainer, chest press, pull down machines, few mins of using dumbbells and 3-4kg ball exercises.
Of course I lost bit of my tummy, underbust and ass but what's making me to question, why my boobs got bigger?! When I put on weight my boobs hardly get anything, it goes mainly to stomach and bum, so obviously when I loose weight boobs don't get smaller but ffs is weird that they did grow. 70% of my bras are too small, 20% are borderline small and 10% were to big and now theyre perfect.
Would the chest press and pulldown machines build a muscle under my boobs that makes them bigger or what? Is it the fact im using panache sport bras in band 30? so the sides of my underbust get squeezed and migrated (again?!)??
Beside that it is nice to see bigger boobs but at the same time, my bra collection is too large to exchange it all :-(

Any thoughts? Anyone had similar situation? all help is kindly appreciated <3

Filed under Boob and body issues

Shared on Oct 27, 2018 Flag this


  • It could be the muscles developing, or it could be something else. When I lose weight, I never ever get smaller in the bust either. So maybe your bust didn't change, but your underbust did which would automatically result in larger boobs to frame ratio thing... smaller UB + same B = larger cup.

    On a different note, my boobs started growing when I was 13, and they are still growing today, at 32. Just getting bigger, never smaller, no matter the weight (at 172-3cm I've been unhealthy skinny at 57kg and I've been unhealthy overweight at 83kg). Boobs were always growing.

  • @martka00 When I went Vegan, I lost like 30 pounds, but my breasts grew. I went from a 32G (for 10+ years solid) to now 28KK/L. I swear it's the soy for me, but a lot of things can trigger our hormones to go into production mode.
    At least you had a few bras that were too big before that now fit, so you're not braless with a backache. That's one of those joys of having "buffer zone" bras in your arsenal. Always prepared for changes!!!

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